Monday 15 April 2013

Searching For Failure

Sometimes it is bemusing to people, why this particular project retains my attention. I spend a considerable amount of time advising others on how to expand their careers, businesses and income, mainly by opening doors of expectations in peoples minds, however in this regard I'm greedy...talking to one person is great as you can evoke demonstrable change as well as personal and financial gain for a client. But influencing larger groups is more rewarding. Whilst I will conduct talks and seminars on subjects ranging from entrepreneurialism to corporate development and personal success, this project is different simply because I'm trying to actually not just have a group of listeners for a couple of hours, but create a group of doers. This is very different simply because I'm involved in the feed back loop. If no one accepts or takes up the challenge of what I'm suggesting is the ultimate rejection as I can see it in front of me. Either what I'm saying has no interest, or how I'm saying it is at fault. But in my defence there are always a thousands reasons not to do something and one in this case to go forward and try..because if I suggest it is all our social responsibility to try and change the stagnated, limiting behavioural structure we are all born into, then I must put my old head up from the populous and sing the song, otherwise I become a hypocrite, and just another person who sits on the sidelines of life watching others fail because I'm too afraid of the word. Without failure we would not succeed..every step we make is a step on a journey that takes us forward even though many times it seems regressive. Failure is just a way of the universe pushing you in the right direction. So to really use positively what we interpret as failure, we just have to see it as a door we opened, and what we were looking for wasn't in the room. That's not failure, that's trying to search for the right door.. But this takes effort, and the difficulty is finding people with enough energy to make a difference, not only in their own lives but others to. This is ultimately the key to change. Taking the seed of something idealistic and growing it into something real. Enlisting the aid of volunteers who can follow the lead and also copy the process is my goal. What's the point of learning knowledge or skill, and not using it, or passing it on. This is the message I sell, the development of the mind is something everyone should aspire to, but even those who do, never really make a change to the established order. You change what's inside you, but not what's controlling outside. Some try from the fringes, but my focus is all or nothing. At the moment it would be easy to just focus on the nothing as my words seem to fall on deaf ears, and I can only look at my communication skills to see why this is. Maybe I'm not the one to convince, maybe I'm not the one people believe in...but that doesn't take away from the message being right. So now whilst I conduct meetings to find those few volunteers with the courage to try something different ..and that means thinking differently, I'm also looking for communicators who can complemet my own style, involving people, engaging people and most importantly getting people to participate.

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