Saturday 14 July 2012


The world is full of zombies...don't you feel this when you look around. Unfortunately, I do all the time and it's not the nicest of feelings, especially on a weekend. Why I say weekend is simply because I get to see more of them in their unnatural habitat than during the week when they are in their pens.

To recognise a zombie you just have to be near a door, a railway entrance or in a shop, in fact anywhere you will see the mindless of society having to deal with a day or two of freedom, challenged by the sudden facility to make their own decisions for the weekend. No wonder they tramp back into the slavery of a job on a Monday, unnaturally pinned together on tubes and stuck in jams... For if they weren't zombies why would they actually want to commit to doing this every day? It's because freedom is a scary place that asks them to make a choice where to put their next foot out in front without being told where to go. 

Is it any wonder that people used to go to church on a Sunday, as one Saturday out on their own in the shops and all the wages are spent on mindless un planned purchases. Thank God for the man upstairs telling us what to do, and the employer telling us what to do, and the system telling us how to behave and what to do. Without all this guidance what on earth would people get up to if they were free to make up their own minds. One day out is enough to drain the wallet and now without too much religion, the country has got itself in double the debt by going zombie shopping on a Sunday as well. Choice, or the freedom to have it for most is a very scary concept, but I like to think this project might wake a few zombies up in a while.

By moving out of the mainstream to actors we step into the minds of people who want more in life than the average person, but the majority are going to be prepared to accept so much less because very few actors make a decent living. This is as I said a brave choice, to line ones self up agains the odds, whilst your friends and relatives move on in life in stayed jobs accumulating wealth, children and bills while the actors live on dreams. 

I have an immense respect for this approach, as once upon a time I got on a plane with nothing but a thousand pounds of borrowed money to take me to LA to find my fortune in the Hollywood dream. Was my gamble a success, well as you are reading here I'm not lining up with Tom Cruise for the next Mission Impossible, but on the year long ask of Mission Implausible.

21 one days to make a million is a fact. It could work if people were a little more disposed to the idea of freedom. But this is the warm up phase to give those who seek a little more a chance to put the toe in the water and get splashed with the idea life doesn't have to be the way of the Zombie Slave.

The Success Game in London is going to be handed over to five individuals for 70% of the initial fee. I'm not so sure they comprehend the full ramifications of this opportunity, but as of Tuesday they will be of no doubt. They will be running an organisation for the first time acting the roles I have outlined. The beauty of the Success Game is the adaptability of it's nature. For example the format will give any actor the facility to develop a support group, practice their art and make money through the game rather than working in menial jobs to keep themselves going.

People want what they want in life, and that's exactly what the success game sells ...dreams, hopes and desires with the method to make them all a reality. Even with a 99% failure rate the success level is huge.


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