Tuesday 10 July 2012


Using the old creative subconscious to drive this project on is like a firework that once you light it there's no going back. The more you open your mind to thought the more it comes up with ideas to drive or drag you forward...I'm not sure which one it is ...probably both.

There is obviously a considerable amount that goes on in the background of the project which never sees the light of day in this blog for obvious reasons of confidentiality, security and caring. If someone is an absolute idiot, says or does things that are destructive, then I let them pass me bye without getting irritated as once some things did...but only for a very few short moments. You see to cast the first stone you have to be without sin, and as we are all of the same source we all have shades of each other in our minds. It's not as if I haven't made mistakes in the past, and it's not as if some people might have interpreted my actions as not in their best interests from time to time.

My father once said to me when I was a child "if what you are about to do will hurt you or someone else..don't do it". ...in the real world it's a hard ask, as somehow people like to be victims on occasion as well as be right even when they cut their nose off to spite their own face. 

When it comes to pay back for all the pain and discomfort people put on each others shoulders there really is no point in entering into the equation as the man upstairs has the habit of ironing out the creases which pop up all on his own. What goes around comes around, so when people show their more undesirable traits of nature, this very nature in time will give them greater pain than you or I could ever envisage.

Business is business, and people are people so there is no point getting emotional about either subject. Whilst greed, jealousy, and ignorance tend to have a fair old cut of the cake when it comes to behaviour in this world, a bit of love and understanding goes along way.

The next stage of the project is an exiting one as it requires some very quick thinking indeed, and thankfully I don't have to do any of it. The creative subconscious does that all for me which actually suits me, for I've never enjoyed getting out of bed early or going to the type of work 99% of the work force go to. There is, and never really has been work in my life as most people would understand it..I prefer all my days to be freedom and do what you want days, for most it's hard to live this way because freedom comes with making your own mind up...which can be a hell of a responsibility.

Once you decide to live with freedom as your main criteria, the world becomes a playground, with the game of success as the main attraction.

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