Friday 20 July 2012


So the end of another interesting week. So far we have potentially three individuals for the filming. What I'm looking fo are modern day hero's, this does not mean Captain America or Iron Man, but real people who have had their challenges but stand up and take life's little blows on the chin to move forward. These are the true success, and it seems fitting that those ready to take on a challenge are dyslexic, and those all too eager to sit this one out are not.

Now social stereo types are relevant here and writing generally all I want is someone to come forward and disprove what I'm going to say. Dyslexics are achievers because life isn't handed on a plate to them, they have to work far harder at everything to get ahead than a 'normal' person, which has the effect of creating  someone who is a trier and someone who just wants to take it all for granted and if it's not on a plate they can't be bothered.

None the less each day brings a new challenge, and with this project there are multiple levels of success. Firstly as a business, then as a film, and as a book, but finally as an adventure. Simply trying to make a statement and effect change in the society we live  is a great deal more than the average bod who sits on the side lines of life moaning about how things are but never actually doing the slightest little thing to change anything at all. Are you one of those people or do you have the guts to step up to the mark. And if your reading this thinking well this project isn't quite my cup of tea, get off your arse.. look in the mirror and create your own. Just do something that is constructive at least.

You see 99% of people find every reason in the world to do bugger all, and what we are about is making 99% of people actually do something, make a difference if not in their own lives maybe someone else's.

What's your reason ...what's your excuse ...what's your motivation

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