Thursday 12 July 2012


Right from the beginning of the year I had it in mind to create a reality documentary about making a million over the year. The trouble has always been finding people who actually wanted to. As you know I have proposed the idea to many individuals both at seminars and one to one, but with little enthusiasm from people.

 Time is one of the keys here, how quickly people want things these days is one of the most powerful movers in society. So with this in mind we looked to develop the program as a six months turn around with the full course to get them to their ultimate goal. Six Months is tool long it seems. So here we are at 21 days to make a million, and if you don't manage it in that time period, you can use the information and experience for the big game to make sure you do. So we have an entrĂ©e to get people's minds thinking and breathing success over three weeks. The program to make the money does actually stack up over 21 days, and the only fact that will make a difference is the usual aspect of any enterprise running onto the rocks..that's the people involved. 

But the way the program is constructed there is no failure, just levels of success, so at the end of 21 days you know a lot more than you started, you can influence, motivate and lead, you've got some great friends and associates, you can recognise and act on opportunity,  there's money in your pocket and your ready to go for the main dish. 

So the program hits some  ground breaking areas;
An earn and learn situation, that can lead onto a business, a career or early retirement sitting on a beach earning 20%... always my favourite.

The TV documentary is why I set up the production company to run the treatment to make it a saleable proposition to a channel. 12 months was too long, six months was onlyl a little diluted but 21 days has all the enthusiasm wrapped into a little pill. 

As my efforts to find some really motivated, interesting and keen to learn individuals in London has been to say the least difficult, I have moved full on with the reality documentary with the proposal of actors being trained to run the operation in London, which is a nut I'm definitely focused on cracking. I know it's considerably easier in the North of England as people are more open and engaging, and I am simultaneously developing regional bases as well as auditioning in London.

Yesterday saw 15 actors at the first round of auditions of which there was as always great potential in all of them. The ability to face rejection each time you perform from the heart is a skill in itself. As a veteran of too many auditions to count with no call back, I have an empathy with them, but we are here on a mission and to make a successful treatment I need talented motivated actors. Without them, the show simply won't go on.

To make good TV, we need an engaging million in 21 weeks is not bad, we need engaging characters..Front, Thinker, Fixer, Solver, Conscience, and lastly we need so great people to act it out.

There must be chemistry between the characters, so this is a first attempt to find the right mix, but as I'm now on a 21 week turnaround after  training them in business, confidence, entrepreneurialism, NLP, hypnosis, and anything else I can squeeze into their characters to make them become the roles they want to play, it's now just time to get the right people involved.

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