Saturday 28 July 2012



We are all faced with choices throughout our lives, the choice to sit on your arse or get on with making a success of your life. It's all too easy to blame other people for your lack of success or not having the right opportunity to take advantage of. But to be brutally honest you are kidding yourself and mores the pity living in a world of your own.

When I started this project I had in mind the desire to make a documentary on success...which we've now done a fair bit of filming on. However the overwhelming talent I've met in London so far is firmly based at succeeding in failure. I said from the first only a small proportion of people actually achieve, generously under five percent, and the purpose of this program was to turn the tables so 95% would be successful, but as of the moment I will concede the level of willingness of people to take every choice possible to do absolutely nothing to change their futures is overwhelming. 

Unfortunately you do have to do something to get somewhere, and just desiring to stick your face in front of a camera to boost your ego is a little self indulgent especially when other people have to suffer you. Any project is only as good as the people involved, people with determination and focus, not 'I'll drag along and see what happens but I will do absolutely nothing to help but moan that it wasn't this or that'. Get real, have a look in the mirror, slap yourself around the face, stick your head down the toilet and flush it, and start to take some action that remotely represents success based thought patterns rather than sucking up oxygen that could serve a better purpose filling a bottle of sparkling water.

So far there are only a handful of people I would inflict on the viewing public, for whilst everyone has potential, and I see so much in them all, their consistent ability to drain the energy out of their own lives as well as others deserves a gold medal.

The Success Game is a fickle mistress, but to enter a project based on working in teams trying to create a million and then sitting at home rather than participating is your choice  but it doesn't really make the gaol any easier.

When I first advertised this as Crash Test Dummies I proposed to the applicants they would indeed crash out, but what I didn't realise was the applicants were actually dummies. Now that may seem a little harsh, but being nice doesn't cut it. The program we have developed takes people forward towards success by using their brains to achieve, but so many people find every reason possible to do absolutely nothing you deserve to be poor, you deserve to be unhappy, you deserve to be a slave in society, and you deserve to be depressed. 

The project over this year will be a success simply because it proves my original statement that 95% of people can't see opportunity, and 95% of the 5 % can't take the action necessary to achieve.

Hopefully some more people out there actually have the balls to prove me wrong...but don't blame me if you really can't be bothered. The field of London doesn't seem to hold many ambitious people so it's time to move the project out of town.

On a brighter note my two most valued confederates have put together a great project to take forward on entrepreneurialism, as a reality show bridging the gap between Towie and the Apprentice. It's a great idea and one that will be moving forward directly.

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