Saturday 27 April 2013


As this blog will now be suspended in favour of a dedicated blog system for the OHM program, signalling the end of my research and experimentation into where this project will go, I thought I'd spend a moment summarising why and how OHM was set up and how it will function. Most of the consultancy work I do is releasing people from the behavioural limitations that govern their thoughts, actions and potential. When you are dealing with someone suffering a limiting mental behaviour that is fundamentally to their detriment, the first step towards change is the recognition of it's existence by the individual. In terms of the average human being, the acceptance that there may be influences to their thinking that are restrictive, and ultimately not for their benefit is in many cases difficult. Restrictive thought patterns are sometimes a product of how society functions, it's conditioning into thinking in a logical acceptable way within the individuals experience, or rather their 'expertise' within society's prevailing definition and fashion. Free expansive creative thinking is not a subject taught a great deal in schools or universities, and as such is not regarded as something mainstream, but alternative. Because logic is difficult to apply to creativity, or genius, it's not exactly a discipline many people understand or even realise may be beneficial. There are those who are creative, and those who are not, supposedly. The world of NLP seeks to model behaviour of people who are very good at what they do, and then replicate that behaviour for others. Where NLP ends is probably where this program begins. People for the most part look for others for their education, guidance and leadership, and there is nothing wrong with that. But inherently, you are back to the limitations of those who you look to; their knowledge, their conditioning, and their prevailing motives. Why I say prevailing, is simply the focus often changes with people away from the routes of ideals towards money and idolatry. Therefore, someone who at first seems to have a handle on 'understanding', often falls out of favour due to human nature. Free creative thought is traditionally the province of artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, as well as scientists. The source of creative thought is also the source of problem solving, and it is the development of the mind to harness, but not control free creative thought, that has been the reason for why many of the world's most influential people have risen to fame. This applies to great scientists as much as anybody else, for new inspiration does not come from the logical analysis of what is known, but the channeling of the imagination to create what has never been thought of before. At school, day dreaming is seen as a lazy exercise of distraction away from hardened concentration and work. However, whilst the logical mind is restricted by conventional thinking, the imagination has no such limitations. You only have to think of your dreams to realise how you mind can create people, events, worlds and even universes with a seemingly infinite amount of detail and complexity. For the majority, dreams and imagination have been left on the sidelines of life either as idle fancy, or the realm of the creative. Either way, a distance is placed between the logical mind of what is poorly termed as scientific rational thought, and the expansive resource open to all of us should we care to study and perfect the skill of it's use. Think for a moment, in all your life how much time or energy have you devoted to developing your ability to use your imagination, your creative mind. Convention leads you to wisdom in the world around us, not within ourselves. But this is the realm of infinite possibilities, where new ideas are born, problems are solved, and wonderful creative works are conceived. Why I draw your attention to science, is simply because most people think of theory, test, proof when it comes to strict scientific analysis, but it is in the inspiration to explore and the asking of the imaginative mind to resolve the impossible, rather than from our limited understanding of the moment, that all of the most momentous discoveries have been made (just study the biographies of famous scientists and look for the source of how and why they made their discovery, not reasoned analysis of what we know, as that is impossible. In the logical world A + B = C, where as in the world of you creative mind A + B = not only the rest of the alphabet but an infinite series of answers. For the musician, the creative mind is the source of all inspiration, for the novelist just the same, and the creative entrepreneur equally so. Many people would like to be more creative but are conditioned to think they cannot; by a teacher, a parent or a sibling; even worse society is structured around division and personal identification of what you can and cannot do. This is detrimental to us all. So we come back to actively developing our connection and use of the creative mind. Firstly, if you want to be more, you have to develop alternative more expansive ways to think, otherwise you will end up going round the same circles becoming increasingly frustrated. New directions require new thought patterns to develop, but the more you stick within you frame of comfort, your zone of what you know, the more you will limit your potential both for understanding and creating new horizons. So rather than looking outside for answers, start to replicate what all great minds have done since the beginning of time, look into yourself and develop your connection with your creative subconscious. You cannot master it or control it, but you can direct it where you want and allow it to help you achieve the goals you want. The structured conditioning you received from the moment you dropped out on this planet will hold you back, of this there is no doubt. But if you want the prize of free expansive thought, you will have to have a little faith in you, not what society has structured your mind for. It is after all your mind to do as you will with, so if you want to find that little bit more juice in life, let your mind take you where you've always wanted to go.The mechanism of this program was specifically designed to exercise your creative mind and develop your skills of focus so you can have the choice of how you approach your life and what you do. It's called free creative thinking, and will take you to places right now you never thought possible, but releasing the creative genius in you, that resides in us all. But you have to start somewhere. It's an interactive process based on achieving results, by requiring you to wake up the most under-utilised muscle in our bodies, and give it a work out with a purpose that will naturally elevate you to achieve more. If you're looking for proof, it's right in front of you in these words, and the words and stories of every post on this blog. If you take the time to read what amounts to over 180,000 words of discovery, experimentation, free thought and advice, you will understand that creative thought is a wonderful gift, and the evidence is all around you. The program starts with online coaching; a feed back loop that focusses on your reactions to daily stimulus to progressively develop alternative thinking. Your success will be rewarded with financial gain in order to link learning with the most positive reinforcement universally available , and in the commercial world we live there is no better certificate for achievement. Conventional education means you study, get a certificate, get a job. This is conventional thought, but we are in the business of turning convention on it's head, ripping the guts out and throwing it away. It's done it's job to educate you, but in that process it restricted you as well. Now we have to start waking you up to new thinking, so you begin thinking about what you are thinking, and about why. Whatever you think, and wherever your thinking takes you on the program, you will be verbalising, crystallising as of the moment, to yourself and the world. This will give you a starting point to work from. You see people love to speak, they love to air views and discuss almost anything, but very few words make a difference to anything. Conversation is an exchange or theft of energy, where opinions are literally like arse holes, and everybody has got one. In the world you will be exploring, your thoughts and words will have ramifications as well as a commercial value. If every opinion you ventured to the world and to yourself had an obvious financial cost or gain, it wouldn't take too long before your were checking your words, and structuring your conversations. The fact is, everything you say and think has a compounded effect on what you feel and how much opportunity you create for yourself, so in real terms even though you've never thought about it before, your current financial and personal wealth is a result of your thoughts and projections to yourself and to others. So in this program it's only reasonable that we bring this fact right to the forefront of your mind, then you can take responsibility for your future and have the choice to really live life, or just survive. If you wonder how long it will take for this program to develop your ability to creatively free think and follow your dreams, the answer is it's completely up you. From a purely difference in the sexes point of view, men as a group have much more difficulty in developing creative thought. Why is due the connection between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The left for logic and the right for imagination in simple terms. The female's connection is larger allowing the fairer sex to be more sensitive, and intuitive, as well as open to development. The male on the other had has a left hemispherical logical base for thought, which is excellent for the conditioning society exudes, you only have to look at army training to understand this one. But for the purposes of developing free creative thought,this makes the task a little harder. Typically, males are brave and ego based, relying on their initial confident exterior to face subjects, but when they are faced with conceptual creative thinking, the shutters come down as there is no point of reference to secure them to, which is how conditioning undermines and controls free thought. Now you may think this is difficult for you to get your head around right now, but do your own research, find out for yourself, then come on the program, develop your own creative genius. It's your mind, and to me you matter, so good luck. This blog will switch over to the secure on line coaching platform for those on the program. Seven weeks of on line coaching to develop your creative genius is is £100, leading on from there. Personally I never stop expanding my mind using exactly the same formula as you will be. All my books come from this source, and I have four novels on the go simultaneously at the time of writing. Once upon a time I was wildly dyslexic with trouble writing a sentence, now I can't stop. This is a gift we all have, to create whatever we want to be and do, rather than just follow the herd. It only takes a little faith in your own potential to release the real you and start the journey to your personal creative destiny in the arts or in business. Your success has always been there in the back of your mind, don't you think the first step of creative genius is thinking it might be a good idea to let it out... Don't live suppressed ... Live with freedom in mind. Enrol on


Perspective, now there's a word. One man's meat is another man's poison, that's a phrase. Do either of them make you any money? Does it matter that they don't? Well in life and in business the understanding of words is very important...not only what you think they mean, but what others do as well. Is it important to you ? If you're not ambitious or really wanting to do the best for yourself you can, probably not. But then we come to probably, similar to maybe, or maybe not. Many people drift these days with no knowledge of why, they search for something without any idea what. The trouble is, without knowing what you are looking for, you're relying on instinct to recognise it. But depending on your conditioning, your instincts are something that are not exactly developed at school or university, more suppressed in favour of rational logical thought. Why... Logical throught is easily programmed, free expressive thought is considerably more abstract. It posses questions with multiple possibilities, but in a commercial world, the only thought that actually makes sense is the one that gives growth, pleasure or financial gain. If you want to develop both society and personally, you have to take the steps to embrace all three. We are conditioned to think of piece and goodliness as people who gave up the pursuit of money in search of enlightenment. But as I say, to effect real change you have to change the method of wealth creation into one that does not discriminate into poor and wealthy, but gives people what they need, their basic rights to a comfortable life that could indeed be available to everyone right now if we chose it to be. I'm not saying don't be rich, I'm just saying stop people being poor at the expense of wealth. This requires a change of mind set ..perspective .. That is not based wholly around your needs.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

End of The Experimental Stage

For as long as I can remember I have sought social change. Why, is simply because very early on as a child, I realised what I was being told didn't make sense. It made sense for the someone, or the group of people telling me what they thought I needed to know, because it supported their cause and way of thinking, but it wasn't necessarily for my benefit. This approach combined with being dyslexic and having something of an attention disorder, didn't make the program of school life a particularly easy ride for me. However, my attitude and learning difficulties gave me the advantage of seeing life from a different perspective. If the term 'thinking out of the box' had been well known or even coined at the time, it wouldn't have applied to me, as you had to be in the box first, to think your way out of it. My thinking was on a different planet, hence why I've always been keen to change this one. It's not the desire to be a megalomaniac, it's really just calling a spade a spade. The world as I saw it back then, was a strange hypocritical place of many inconsistencies and unanswered questions. Nothing has changed my opinion to this day, other than finding the answers to the questions no one could supply... in myself. One question that always puzzled me, was why scientists said we only use 90 % of our brains, which to me as a child made the human race seem something of a bunch of retards. I had no desire to join the herd who didn't seem to care, but rather go on my own search for the large bit of my brain that was missing. I saw education streamed for those who fitted into the established norm, and society divided between the privileged few, and the suppressed expectations of the many. When at the age of ten, I was asked what I would like to be when I grew up, I said retired. Simply because my grandparents after nearly fifty years of work, kept saying how they were looking forward to retirement and the choice of what they were going to do with their time. Naturally I concluded, retirement was the desired option over work, through freedom and choice, so I would approach life with that in mind first, then choose how to enjoy myself. To give you an example of why this thinking is not a product of environment, my close brother conformed, started a job, and spent 33 years in it in exactly the same institution, much in the same way as the rest of the family did. Many true entrepreneurs are dyslexic, and one of the positive things about the condition is, whilst 'normal' people approach learning without difficulty, dyslexics have to create imaginative alternatives to overcome simple problems. Some channel their creative energies successfully into an art form, others become visionaries, but many become criminals or salespeople. It is difficult to conform, so the answers come from the subconscious to over come the difficulties. Only through working with many dyslexics did I identify these traits, and understand my own behaviour, something that affects one in four of us. My search for answers to my own questions about myself and the dysfunctional world the majority accept, took me all over the world looking to develop new ways of learning and maximising potential. I did this from a wealth creation stand point, as I saw only one person trying to rock convention, as ultimately more effective the more money he had in his pocket. One thing the overwhelming majority of people I encountered and tried to help had in common, were a set of limiting behavioural patterns, fears and expectations, with desires suppressed by social conditioning from early on ... conformity to their detriment. This applied to their relationships, careers, as well as their social interactions. Coming from a different planet so to was easy to see how they were being controlled by society through inbuilt conditioning. And just as governments and TV advertising does, push the buttons to get them to buy the products I was involved in, and make a considerable amount of money in a short space of time. Subsequently, I turned away from business, simply because like many people, without fulfilling your core values and purpose, life is a very empty cup. Diversions such as falling in love, addictions, the acquisition of wealth and power, suppress any higher purpose we all have inbuilt into our psyches, and primarily the reason you find so many people these days, disillusioned with what they perceive is on their plate, however rich the dish. However, it is the perception of the dish, and the expectations of the past and the future, that are the problem. Ultimately, we all have to come to the question of purpose at some time or another. And the higher one is funnily enough the same for all of us. My journeys into self, social, commercial and financial discovery, are the foundations of this program. It is practical and effective, with core values, goals and a refined methodology. The program is not based on any other form or mechanism in the world today. Its parts are drawn together, to create a holistic development path in a practical and commercial world, that actually achieves health, wealth and mental prosperity for those who are serious about what is to fulfil their own potential; as well as play their part with the rest of us, as one united human race. The program is whilst both structured and organic, your own individual journey forward. It is about your understanding, learning, and development specifically for you, at whatever time of life you find yourself in, circumstances that surround you, or answers you are looking for. Remember, I have taken education, life, business, wealth and purpose, and created an alternative structure based around unity and equality, in a progressive and expansive program. This is designed for you to benefit, personally, financially and socially, in order to give you the choice how you live your life, and potentially guide someone else to that gift to. Life is a constant evolution, that sometimes needs a bit of revolution to give it the kick up the bottom necessary to enlighten it. In this the only kicking will be by you to you, and as hard or soft as you like. Kern

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Entrepreneurial sickness

Maybe it's me, but I my frustration with the world is showing. I went to a meeting for start ups last night and I think I upset a few people. I come from a background in business which is no bullshit based, maximum money and minimum waste, it's called optimisation..and don't waste your time. The subject was called lean start up based on the book ...based on Japanese working practice. Lean actually means testing your idea with a minimum of investment, testing the Market before you waste your time. Unfortunately I got the feeling for the most of the attendees lean meant not eating until your business became profitable in a couple of years..and then it's time for pay back. Eating your own shoes and legs is fine, but it's a little silly to me, and the most difficult aspect of the evening was the level of understanding of business, and what it takes to run a business successfully. Simply selling a product and testing a Market these days is essentially setting a website up and going for it for under a £100, with a bit of google pay per click to see the results of your tempting product. It's all very easy to take a punt with an app but the level of thought in the application of ideas was basically non existent. Over the period I have been doing this project and attending meetings, my experiences have led me to one conclusion on business...entrepreneurialism is a sickness in modern society, a dream alternative only the few realise. I have nothing against creative thought, I work hard to develop it in people and it's what this project is all about , but to watch people with not a clue about business, stumble about with the blind leading the blind .. all for the religion of the E word is actually very depressing. The Internet gave rise to everyone thinking they can be an internet entrepreneur, just as the the property boom gave rise to everyone thinking they could be a property entrepreneur. The strange thing now is that it's now not about getting rich, is just about signing up for an alternative not related to money, because all of these people live without generating any. Just to be clear, I would never label myself as an entrepreneur ...because it's presumptuous. I'm not Richard Branson and I have no desire to be like him. A true entrepreneur is a visionary, a leader and a creative. It's a little different to being in business for yourself. I really don't care what people call themselves, but when the word starts to represent an illusion, and an alternative that over 95% will fail in, you have to step back for a minute and think where this is all leading?

Sunday 21 April 2013

Entrepreneur Week.

Over the last year I have researched the concept of success and the possibility of people working together, to be met with considerable difficulty at most turns. If I take a few groups of humanity in the current social state of affairs you will see what I mean. Let's take the youth of today, strangely arrogant to a point where when they come for a job, the certificate of education is their cheque to cash with an employer, their right to money. When asked what they offer, the answer is not forthcoming, just I want to get paid they say. Taking the other end of the scale, you have people in their thirties and forties who just don't know...what they want, or what they think they might want. Men who are obsessed with an ignorance and an ego to rival king kong, and women who cannot help but have feelings of resentment for their fellow feline competitors in a world of equality with men, but never their own species. As the religion of entrepreneurialism has spread into society I've met people who have given up their jobs to wear the E'ism badge with absolutely no idea of how to run a business. Lean start up is a great concept, but asking the customer what they want before you give them what you think they want was a methodology that wasn't new for as long ago as I can remember, and that's an awful long time. Sometimes it's been a rather eye opening time to hear just how so much bollocks is preached by so many people talking fluent proverbial at seminars. The world is for the most part a very confused place, where there is so much information that people actually have overload on whats expected, and how to expect or do anything... The waters are muddied beyond belief, with a lost faith in those who are the elected leaders, who preach solutions and morals on the surface, and then facilitate more taxes, corruption and affairs with PA's. To be honest, when you really get under the surface of society anyone with even a remote understanding of the drivers behind humanity, will conclude its probably going to run into a considerable amount more problems in the not too distant future. Forget meteors from space, plagues of flu, floods and tsunamis, humanity is on the verge of disappearing up it's own bottom, with a terminal case of verbal diarrhoea. So I personally think it's time for an escape plan before the .... Hits the Fan.. And here it is. First it's time to train the entrepreneurs in entrepreneurialism. This means financial management, strategic business management, personal management and sales & marketing. The legs of any successful enterprise. Knowledge is power and what I'm about to do is try giving those who aspire to be their own boss the keys to the exec toilet for free. This means I will offer those who talk about starting a business, but haven't been through the cycle yet, the benefit of some free consultancy over the coming week. Now, I've worked for years as as a consultant helping people make considerable amounts of money, with the expertise and experience that put me on british TV and at the helm of a multi million pound enterprise. So I guess I know a thing or two when it's comes to business, but these days everyone sees the Internet as a field of fortune where you go prospecting with a pan full of google and some social media. The old ways of planning, research and analysis are long gone, now there's just a wing and a prayer ...and an app for everything. The opportunity for good ideas has never been better, so a bit of basic training and knowledge will go a long way to saving some souls from wasting their money and time on a lame duck. The program needs people with drive, and as professionals are in short supply these days, it's time to develop some home grown skilled individuals to take the entrepreneurial bull by the horns and learn how to sell, the first skill of any business leader. Sales, now theres a dirty word, talk to people thats scary. Sell, I'll get a book on it.. but what do you do when no one buys your idea, how is your elevator pitch...forget selling elevators, what we need is to close a few deals, and thats as good a start as you will find.

Sunday Thoughts

Developing a program to enhance people's skills in entrepreneurism, social dynamics and personal development, is a unique opportunity. Not everybody is interested in all the subjects, and some may only be interested in just the one at first, but once you start to learn, each one retains a very close relationship with the other so you cannot help becoming interested in the others. For example, the three levels in the twenty one week program the experiment covers are Influence, motivation, and leadership. Now you might think these apply only to the entrepreneurial angle, but you would be wrong. To be a good influencer means you can influence your own internal states as well as other peoples. Motivation is what we all require every day, as well as the facility to be able to motive our loved ones, friends and work colleges. Leadership is very important, because we are all leaders and follows at some time, in our lives at work, in relationships and our families. So this is a practical learning exercise, where in the the security of a structured and progressive system, people who are interested in how to run a business or their lives successfully can develop their knowledge and practice their skills. All businesses are structured in exactly the same way as this program, i.e. learning how to sell and promote a product, learning how to motivate the sales force or middle management, and finally leading, inspiring and innovating. Within the realms of society, you again have the same structure of leaders, civil servants and the public. It's a hierarchy based on privilege and votes, not especially worth. As I said, to really understand the way the world works you have to step into other peoples shoes, feel their feelings, their drivers, their motivators, their needs, and their wants; to have any real understanding of a subject, you have to get your feet wet, rather than comment from the side lines. This is actually a lot of fun, as working with other people in a zero risk situation with great personal gains as well as the potential to create a really meaningful legacy is very rare. Personally, I like the idea of working with people who have ambition and the desire to be more, unfortunately the majority of people I meet have had their ambition and creativity drummed out of them by the societies we empower to keep the law and the order. This structure actually creates a lot of discontented people, from the disillusioned banker needing therapy, to the used and abused PA going no where. I'm not saying there aren't many people who love their jobs but as I always say, if they were so great why would you want a weekend or a holiday. Why not make most of life a holiday and only work a couple of days a week to make the same money. The thought of working 40-50 hours a week for a set salary, is simple prostitution of the mind and the body. Selling yourself to make another's fortune. The world relies on 99% of people doing this. Over the last twenty years, entrepreneurialism has become the new religion, with people subscribing to an alternative they know very little about. Just an idea to sell bikes or create a business on line, or any number of ideas that will actually go nowhere. I know what this feels like, I understand the desire to make something work against the odds, the desire not to fail because to admit your idea is flawed, is too much to admit. I've seen people sink their lives, wives, and houses into an idea, that really if they'd taken just a little bit of advice or research into, would not have drained their resources and the days of their lives. Not so long ago many people had ideas but never followed them up, keeping their great money making plan secret and taking it to the grave; just having a possible ticket to win in life is all people needed as comfort, and to find out it's fallibility is no conciliation. It's avoiding disappointment, avoiding failure, it's fear of losing the dream and the hope by testing the validity. Now days, people leave their jobs to become, entrepreneurs without any idea at all, and then go on search for one as if the skills of business are as easy as 123. In the UK 250,000 businesses register every year, and 250,000 business fail every year.'s lack of knowledge and skill. Marriages are just the same with divorce figures muted by people not marrying, and then breaking up...due to a failure of communication and the facility to understand ..themselves, their partners and the relationship itself. Understanding and skill in communicating is the key. Why society is so flawed is because people don't understand society, it's drivers or how to fix it, and that almost concrete mindset is to the benefit the established order. Responsibly is absolved to others and blame follows failure. Just maybe we should look inside ourselves and start remedy the shortcomings society and education condition us to be successful at. Words that pass my lips many times include freedom and choice, these are two of the most important values and beliefs I hold. For me freedom is have the choice on how I live my life, and what I think about. I'm always fighting to find out why I'm moving in a certain direction and how it feels. My patience for anything that compromises my sense of freedom is very limited. I know there are many people out the who like the illusion of freedom, and the illusion of having choice, in truth we are all governed by something; advertising, government, obligations and responsibilities. When you enter into a relationship with someone else in your business or your personal life, you take on the responsibility to value their values and beliefs that may be influenced by vastly different drivers than you. Projecting your assumptions on to their you think you understand them, can cause all sorts of problems, especially the phrases "you're not who I thought you were", and "you've changed". How people react to situations is both predictable and vastly different in certain circumstances, so when it comes to developing a program of unity, support and opportunity to all, the difficulty is to find that single switch that moves all people in the same direction. True entrepreneurs are all around us, trying to develop new ways to do things or slight changes in established ways for a new look. There is actually very little that has not been done before by someone, it's just developing an opportunity of the moment and finding a successful method of delivery that allows the successful entrepreneur to step through a moving door and appeal to the Market place. Therefor, we come to the unique selling point of this program, it is purely fashioned for the success of the individuals involved, on a linear but progressive way. Self development, business development and social development, based on the idea of working two days out of seven rather than five. Bruce Lee said of life, 'without being better than you were the day before, what is the point. 'And I have to agree. Without growth we stagnate, and look for diversions. Diversions that do not construct, build or benefit the host, but simply pass the time while you reside on this planet. If you're looking for hell on earth, this is about as good as it gets. To be honest, the idea of living forever to suffer this never ending social program is probably the worse nightmare I could think of. For when you sum up existence, as a few friends and family supported by fifty years of hard work, don't you think it's about time for a change...a bit of evolution, not a slow decent into apathy and how many followers you have on face book you don't know. Maybe I'm not of the moment, I certainly don't feel I have a great deal in common with the overwhelming majority of people. I have an insatiable appetite for adventure and knowledge, not just for it's own sake and an official certificate to say I've done the course work in a classroom, but real life. I want to take action now, and give some value to people including myself, for without it we are simply lost and alone.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Getting Down To It

The transfer of knowledge and skills to people who would not be able to access these resources as a matter of finance or circumstance is one of the bedrocks of what we will be doing. Whilst the Internet provides a huge resource for people to pick over subjects, unfortunately this medium becomes clogged with too much information and subjective comment. An example of this is the difference between knowing theory or reading about a subject and actually taking the appropriate action in life. You can read a book on ice skating, but until you bang your head on the ice a few times, you won't really be making any headway and making the mind body connection that comes with mastering a new skill. Early in my sales consultancy career, I was working with a group of directors of a property company, advising on their sales strategy that in truth was non existent. The male ego of never accepting a lack of knowledge in an area, is something I often come up against, and in this circumstance one of the directors said 'I know all about sales because I've read loads of books on it'. Well read a book on F1 driving and then take a car out into the race...a trip to the hospital is likely. When I consult on sales, I'm often challenged by hardened sales people to try and sell their product before they will accept my advice. It's always a conversation killer when you step right in and just get on with it as if its second nature, but as I've consulted on most products over time, it is really quiet an easy trick to do. Selling a product to everybody, which is possible, takes an analysis of how your projective market thinks and what it wants, you then develop a selection of methods of deliveries, or pitches to choose from to suit the appropriate time and the person. You need to be adaptable and a chameleon of human nature so you can not just mirror the person you are talking to, but become them. This is to adopt their personality traits, both weak and strong, in this way rapport is built very quickly and deeply. This can have an effect on your own personality for a while..a bit of an energy drain, but to understand and relate to someone you really have to step not only into another persons shoes, but also their body too. I do it instinctively as I've been doing it for years, especially when I'm of a mind to sell something. Products are easy to do, because you can be completely dispassionate about them. It's a game and you are acting a part..a little like the method acting i used to teach. But in this project it's a little different, as the product is me, with an openness that is ultimately the purity that it requires. This leaves me a little open to the one thing that is my chink in the armour.. Rejection. One of the key motivators to why I was always so good at sales was not only a desire for the wealth and the freedom that profession provides, but also the pain of a 'no'. As I have mentioned before, the basic motivators in human behaviour come down to 'what's in it for me' as well as moving away from pain and moving towards pleasure, two very different motivators. Mine in sales was not so much the pleasure of the money, but moving away from the pain of rejection. As this is a very personal quest, the rejection by people for whatever reason, actually hurts when I open myself to their thoughts, conditioning and behavioural traits. This is a juggling act, for on one hand the inability of many people in our current society to focus for more then a few moments is growing considerably as well as the over kill on information that is waffle from behind a computer. I spent a considerable amount of time with individuals who suffer from dyslexia and ADHD, helping them to correct their limitations. Indeed I was dyslexic with atrocious spelling and difficulties reading, until I took the right steps to resolve these issues, the residuals of mistakes you will find in this blog in the form of word blindness, I see what is in my head not what is on the I pad. However, the difficulty with communicating to salespeople in a training environment, is the majority find reading and keeping their attention focused very difficult, hence why a lot of intelligent people are suppressed at school and in their career..selecting sales as the non qualified option in communication. So you have to actively engage their minds. The first stage of this project is to develop a small group of individuals and teach them some of the basic techniques of influence as well as the project in depth, so they can help me expand the movement through discussing it with others and inviting them to a meeting. This for many people at first sight is a very scary thing to do as talking to strangers is sometimes difficult. This is why the first part of the program is influence; having the skills and confidence to Influence your internal state, as well as the world around you. To get a job, a relationship, build a business, or any other goal that requires a form of social interaction, the better you are at winning friends and influencing people, it corresponds you will enjoy more success in life. This is a combined creative effort to achieve a certain number of basic goals; the transfer of knowledge and enlightenment, the building of skills to use that knowledge, and the reward system for its application. Many times people say is it like this, or like that, simply because the mind is a sorting machine that tries to find similar subjects to identify and understand new ones. This process is more restrictive not simply for those with more years under the belt, (age is how your mind behaves, not the face in the mirror), but also the limiting behavioural conditioning of the individual. This project is at heart very simple, it's to do a little good in a world that for the most part does it with an expectation, a law or an agenda. Yes, there is an agenda here, and that's social change, as well as promoting and facilitating expansive creative thought, through seminars, resources and coaching. All for a fee all people can afford, and even if they can't I will pay it for them. You see the point of this is walking the walk and talking the talk, and this means taking action in your life to achieve what you want, and if you don't know what you want, you need to go on a journey of discovery that doesn't involve alcohol or any other substance that dims the senses. All of this is a journey of discovery, an experiment into all our minds. Maybe some people don't actually want to know what goes on in theirs as well as how we can engage the creative subconscious to really take a leap forward in life. Personally, the idea of only using a small part of my brain because I can't be bothered with a whole one is rather strange, but you'd be surprised how many people opt for the ignorance is bliss principle. What separates us from all other species is our facility to use our intelligence... I have to wonder in ore, why the majority of humanity tries not to use their god given right to a better life through the application of their most under-utilised muscle that can move mountains; but would rather forget life through apathy, soaps, drink and an I player to drown out the world. There are natural chemicals in your mind that give you a high, there's a soap going on all around if you care to look , and as for music I love it, but not to the detriment of any other aspect of my life. Most people are not living, they are just going through the motions, it's a shame life is wasted as each and every day is wasted when the opportunity for more is all around us

Friday 19 April 2013

Evolution or Revolution or Both

Evolution is a precursor to revolution, ultimately what begins with an almost indiscernible change, ends after a tipping point has been reached and revolution steps in. Revolution is not exactly depicted in a favourable light by the form of war and death to change an established order, old fighting new, however in the world we live in, the rules of engagement are somewhat different due to connectivity. No longer can the masses be influenced by propaganda and manipulation in the old ways, now it adopts a very different covert and subtle approach. Revolution is what I aspire to, not out a love of anarchy, but simply a burning desire to see positive change within the world we live, not same story different day. The evolution of the project has been long and in some regards tortuous, but each step is a step forward, that whilst my natural impatience has in the early days caused problems, I am now aware of the need for considered steps. I started off with entrepreneurs to the exclusion of those who had no feeling for the subject, I looked to develop a game to engage the rapidly bored minds society has created, then I moved into the social experiment to gauge interest in a nobel purpose. Three things that together encompass attractions for responsibility, entrepreneurialism, and self development/ awareness. Some might say each is mutually exclusive, but I would say the trick is to take the commonality between each and fuse them as one. This is why I spend so much time talking to people and gauging their responses to everything. OHM is very much an experiment ...not to find the utopian answer to a better world for all, that is actually relatively easy. The experiment is research into developing a method of delivery acceptable to one and all regardless of religion, race, creed or colour. My background is in developing ways everybody buys a product, not just target marketing a select few. In the arena of social change, whilst people abstain from doing anything through apathy and conditioning, they will still turn round and bite you in the bum if you exclude them from having the choice to participate right up to the tipping point, when like lemmings they all follow and pull each other into the future. Choice is something humanity likes to feel it has, but in reality for the most part absolves to someone else. I once had a conversation with a lady about freedom of choice, in which she stated her right to have it, and I explained why in her life it was a complete illusion starting with tooth paste and the placing/ packaging on the shelves. The trick of democracy, is to let people have the feeling they always have choice, but surreptitiously never really give it to them, as in truth, they would really never want the responsibility and ultimately would make what they would consider afterwards the wrong one. Failure, and the fear if it is bred into people from an early age as a conformity program, just like compliance is bred into people in places like Switzerland and Germany. If you take free creative thought and replace it with compliance you have an internalized police state..the policeman is in everyone. This, whilst an ordered system, always has a sub structure of repressed creativity resulting in a short fuse when the structured order is challenged. Creative expansive thinking is dangerous because it allows people to question the established order and what they are being told. So here you have two systems that play out towards the same ends and order...but for who's gain. Ultimately choice is a wonderful thing, but the propensity to constantly make the wrong one when it comes to personal wellbeing, and society seems at first sight an inherent trait in humanity. The first world war was good for somebody, but not those who died in the mud on either side. Smoking was good for making money, just like any addictive habit, but not necessarily good for those who died from it. Wealth can make your life considerably easier, but not if you see money as the route to all evil, and rich people as doing something wrong to get it. Some people see being poor as noble, and defend their right to not be materialistic... Proud to not aspire to have more. To be honest, I'd rather be working with people who like nice things and aspire to be wealthy, than people who don't, simply because a rich persons jokes are always funny and you can always get more done in this world with money. So this project must not exclude anyone and I'm pretty close to getting there with the pitch. My ideal would be to copy a virus, in that people don't have the choice about getting it, but naturally pass it on..hence why viruses are so successful. The other way is to make success and personal fulfilment law, which I don't suppose is going to happen anytime soon, as I don't suppose the S&PF party would actually get any supporters

Thursday 18 April 2013

Coach or Consultant

What's the difference in a coach and a consultant. Good question. I guess I describe myself as a consultant because coach seems to make me think of a old guy who loves baseball, or a fluffy life coach. I don't identify with either, ok I'm going a bit grey but I haven't a clue about base ball, or being very fluffy. I sit with a client and find out what they think they really want from life, and then I find out why they think they really want it. I'm a consultant on business, relationships, language patterns, careers, and problems. My expertise in these areas comes from running many business, creating multi million pound enterprises from scratch around the world but never calling myself an entrepreneur, from working with many disciplines of psychology, hypnosis, NLP and social dynamics, to understand the way people behave and react but never defining myself as a coach although I will use the word sometimes. As a consultant, I increase my clients understanding of what they are communicating and how other people are likely to respond. Knowing human behaviour allows you to control the interactions you have far better than thinking of life as a random exercise where you blame others for their shortcomings. My key skill is my creative sense and expansive alternative thinking, put simply, I'm worlds apart form the majority of people and have always been so from day one in my approach to conformity. Why do we have to conform to the expectations of society and others, just because everyone else doesn't make it right. And for the most part this is why my clients work with me, I'm demanding and I demand more from them than they are used to, simply because they feel in life like a square peg in a round hole. When I was a kid I loved banging square pegs into round holes because people kept telling me that doesn't go there. My attitude was the square peg might look square but actually inside it might be round, I'm just freeing the peg up to have more choice, rather than conform to some one else's ideas of where the peg should go. There are no rules other than those we make for our own jails of life, I guess I spend my time breaking others out of jail

Not the Bus For Me

People sometimes ask me why I'm so committed to this project. It's a question that if you think about it is really easy to answer. Why isn't everybody committed to this project? The betterment of our society ...surely that's a cause that we should all be actively supporting. Some people comment on what I'm trying to accomplish as 'it's not for everyone' , and have to say here and now I can't think of a more ridiculous statement when it comes to social change, but not when it comes to the method of delivery, hence why Im at pains to be all things to all people..a very difficult task.The point of the project is for everyone....whether they like it or the evolution of this world is all our responsibility whether through the experiment or not. This is an organic creative exercise that ultimately has a course and a path all of it's own. Its not owned by anybody, it just is. You cannot own an evolutionary process, just as much as a you cannot own a revolution, but like it or not we are all part of it. There are many reasons people give not to be involved, and even those who skirt around the edges are not exactly committed. Reasons like the world is fine as it is...what does this mean..all the hunger, war, prejudice, crime, and abuses of people are ok...or is it better to say my world is fine as it is, I'm not bothered about the rest of it. I give to charity and that's my bit for humanity done. You could say there's nothing wrong with that, and all the powers in the world who run our societies are very keen for you to think this way, as it benefits them, even to the detriment of your own life. People say what can I do, I'm just a small spec in the wind, true, but if you sand with others you become a sand storm of change. All very poetic, but where's the substance, for in this world we need money to really mean anything, and I mean lots of it. So the best revolutionaries are a group of wealthy revolutionaries, and that is one of the fundamental building blocks of this make those involved wealthy so they can do more than sit on the sidelines of life in a 9-5 job, and actually become someone who values themselves, and what they have achieved. Ask yourself what would you like as a testament to your life, a metaphorical gold watch and some rounds of golf before you're planted under the 19th hole. Here lies, oh what was his name...he propped up the end of the bar very well, she was always quite charming, now what did she do with her life? Some see their potential lives in the way their children now live...all hope and opportunity, sadly forgotten and passed to the offspring. Again nothing wrong with this, but humanity includes each and every one of us including our children, so making a safer, more considerate world has surely got to be a better solution. This project might not be the bus for you, and if you've got a better one please come forward as this is all about creativity, helping each other to go forward, nothing is written in stone. But so far in all my research I haven't exactly seen anyone with an my answer to why do I do this is simply my conscience, and the question you might want to ask yourself... What's the reason you are here? Just to work, procreate and die, or play your part in moving all our lives forward. I'm passionate about this subject, I spend a considerable amount of time on discovering the switch that will ignite the passion in others to want and have more, rather than accept less, personally, financially, and spiritually. The more you give to others the more you will receive for energies of all kinds need to be passed on from one to another, and this includes love, money and knowledge....integral parts of the philosophy of change. I know I'm just one person, and if I keep going sooner or later I will find a small group of people who think outside the herd, people with the courage and the creativity to sit together and say enough of this shit, it's time to do something about it and together we can

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Money ..The Perfect Relationship

Your relationship with money .. It's like dating but not quite. Why I use the word relationship is simply because you have one with everything around you, including yourself . Animals, trees, buildings, people and of course money. Ask yourself what you think and feel about the subject, how much do you value it in your life, how much does the subject control you? Are you an addict, are you a junkie, or are you into prohibition and the thought of money as the route to all evil. Do you find this paragraph offends your delicate sensibilities because it's a rude subject to talk about or focus on...just like kept behind closed doors ... You have a relationship with money and it's your attitude to that relationship that either attracts it to you or drives it away. Just reverse the roles, put yourself the position of money, if you were a bit of cash would you like the idea of residing in your pocket or sweat hands. Have you got lots of friends for money to play with, because it's very social and loves it's own kind. Do you say nice things about money and complement it each time you have the opportunity to do so...or do you resent it? Do you harbour a deep seated resentment over your own need for the stuff of dreams and the route to all desires. Can money fall in love with you, or are you more interested in acceptance and face book friends. It sounds all very silly, but it's not. Everything has an energy and will pass it to you if you are not only a welcome receiver, but a great channeller. This means where and how you channel a resource will determine it's attraction to you. Your expectations of a relationship are also important. If you don't expect or look for much, you are unlikely to receive. There are of course exceptions to this like lottery winners, but as that's not exactly a common event for the overwhelming majority of us, let's stick with what's likely. You see, your life is based around your expectations. Limit these and you limit what life can actually provide you with. Many many people actually resent money, and you have to ask why this, is and to who's benefit? Well, those who really have a lot would surely like you to have less rather than more, so there's a program that runs in our minds that helps this little equation's called conditioning. Do you think an investment banker hates or resents money, do you think their expectations push money away, no no no, it's in the breeding, the conditioning of our minds that determines how much wealth our expectations attract. When I discuss money with so many people these days, they actively get turned off by the subject, it's become a society of people who are looking for something more..a spiritual fulfilment maybe..but few believe in certainly not religion. So to reject the old ways of wealth creation for many is a sign of the allegiance to this new society of acceptance. Money is just an energy, and with it you can do far more in life than without it. Money can be used as a reason to exploit natural resources, cause wars and global warming if you like, or it can be used to provide/ build an alternative structure. Without it, I'm afraid you really are working with both hands tied behind your back. So think about your relationship with not just money, but everything you come in contact with, think about the relationship and how you would like to see things working out...think about your expectations and are they attractive to the energies that can make a difference to the world you live in. Ultimately, it is the reasons we think the things we do and the subsequent actions we take that make our life plan. The question to ask yourself, is this your plan or someone else's...and in this I'm not necessarily meaning your nearest and dearest. Why do you think in a pattern that determines your behaviour, and does that blue print on your mind lead you to life's riches or away from them. In this I don't necessarily mean money, for there are all sorts of wealth, but the key to happiness is freedom..and that means being financially free to choose how you lead your life. To determine if you have to ask yourself about responsibility, ie bills, dependants and desires. Then ask yourself how high on the list is your social responsibility to help your fellow man...and what do you do each day to either forget this or appease it? I'm interested in people who are interested in change, not just within themselves but within us all. Within ourselves, can involve the rejection of the trappings of the past, for a new suit of cloths...but are they the same jail out fit, that's the question? To be free you need the finances to cope with the responsibilities that surround your life, to change the bigger picture, a wealthier individual in both pocket and mind is a powerful ally. This is what the experiment seeks to create, a fusion between what on the surface seem opposing sides..fulfilment and money...but that's just a view that somebody somewhere would like us all to have, as it benefits the establishment.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Patent the Wheel of Fortune

When I'm asked who I admire from history, I always say the guy/girl who invented the wheel. Unfortunately he/ she never patented the idea, but she/he did more for humanity than any person that ever existed, and anonymously. The wheel forms a part of everything we do in both a physical and mental sense. Look around, everything was made using the wheel in one form or another, and our lives go round the same daily, weekly, monthly circles of behaviour in work and relationships. A wheel is useful, but it's also repetitive. The inspiration behind this project it's to break the wheel of society that tends to bleed every bit of creative energy from our's called the suppression of the individual, in favour of the socially accepted norm. Once you get on the conveyor belt of life, through college, work, marriage kids and beyond, it's very easy to watch life disappear before your very eyes without actually doing anything for yourself. Ok, you might love your job, your partner and your kids, but do you think there might be a better way of living. Lying on a beach and earning 20%? of course the beach is metaphorical, because we all have different ideas about what we'd love to be doing... I like sailing and writing, as well as a lot of other things, and 20% doesn't have to be money, it can be gaining 20% more value out of life in rewards of a personal nature. The experiment is the antithesis of all the things I'd like to be involved in and an amalgamation of what everyone else likes to. A project that has to be rewarding, financially and personally, exciting, new, social, creative, constructive, evolutionary as well as revolutionary, progressive, and socially acceptable, adaptable, and fun...don't forget's the life blood of youth. Open to all, without barriers, hierarchy or ego. If that's a tall order try non competitive with a potential reward I theorised to be 5 million in 21 weeks, playing against your own mind. Not in competition with others, just trying to be a more rounded human being. If your totally happy with all aspects of you, I'm looking for individuals who are....maybe kidding themselves .. In denial. For if we are happy with who we are moves on and has the habit of leaving us behind. We are here to evolve each and every day...and the experiment is designed to give you a path to become you. How is simple, by explaining to you, why you think the way you do, and why others behave and think the way they do. And with knowledge you can either sit on it, use it, or use it and pass it on. The last option will take you to the 5 million if you want, but even if you are 99% unsuccessful in the program, you would still aspire to gaining £50 k in 21 weeks. That's the theory, here's the experiment. It starts with a few brave souls, people who think differently, rather than follow the herding instinct.

Searching for Volunteers

Every week I'm going to more events in Zurich on my search to find a group of key individuals to begin the experiment as well as holding coffee meetings through meet up under the titles of 'The Experiment' and Interesting Talks. The purpose of the initial coffee meet ups, is to discuss the three basic drivers behind 'The Experiment' and see if the project interests people in a variety of cultural environments i.e some people are more interested in change and development than others based outlet on geographical location. To summarise (and for those who couldn't make it), yesterday we touched on two drivers; Firstly a higher noble purpose, and secondly a personal benefit for those involved. Having a group goal like changing society for the better, is about as big a purpose as you can get, so why not set the old sights a little high. Secondly, learning from each other new skills, perspectives and developing creative ideas is the best way to achieve more; creative thought is considerably more powerful if you adopt the concept of green housing (developing/ discussing ) ideas with other people. The world is a never ending stream of suggestions, opportunities and answers if you care to look, as well as know how to see, and hear them. Now we come to the third. The beginning of The Experiment starts with a group of volunteers who would like to do more for humanity and expand their own experience. Then comes a structure and a working mechanism that advances the group, motivates, and funds it's development. We live in a material world, where time is either invested for personal growth/gain or financial reward. Here, we would be naive to ignore the potential relationship ...just like a horse and cart.. financial support can give the necessary pull to make things happen. Without it, you're just another voice in the wind. So the third part of the experiment, is to take the volunteers and see if without compromising the values/ gains of parts one and two, they can generate for themselves one million in 21 weeks, using and adapting a simple formula for achieving the goal. It's sounds fantastic .. but let me assure you, it's not. I would not be wasting your, or my time on an idle whim. It's a unique opportunity, and potentially life changing. The experiment starts for Zurich when a group of committed volunteers come forward. There are always key moments of choice in life, to get on the bus or wait for a different one. In this, you will be both driver and passenger, so if the Experiment bus is for you, this is your opportunity to be a participant, rather than an observer. I hope you will not be shy in coming forward, but wish you luck in your future whatever choice you make. As a little background: I gave up working for other people when I was twenty five, realising I would never become free or wealthy working at the whim and pay of others. Working alone, it took me only a short space of time to realise I'd traded one suit of prison cloths for another, so I sought to find a way to make enough money to be independent, in as short a space of time as possible. I knew nothing on how this might be accomplished at the time, so I travelled all over the world to find an answer. Whilst I gained a considerable amount of knowledge on how not to achieve my goal, the answer came strangely enough from a confluence of circumstance, leading me right back to where I'd started; not so much from my physical efforts to make it happen. This means the universe led me to the thing I most wished for, within the skills I possessed at the time. I made enough money over eighteen months to be financially free, and had the choice to either continue in the pursuit of more wealth, or change direction; to use the freedom I'd gained in a more creative and personally rewarding way. So I started writing, as well as using my knowledge to help others achieve their financial and personal goals. I learnt about concepts that, if I'd been aware of earlier, would have made my life considerably easier. Terms such as residual income, passive income, multiple income streams, social dynamics, social conditioning, limiting behavioural patterns, the law of attraction, and power of the creative subconscious, NLP, hypnosis, to name but a few. Over time, I refined the key drives of success from wealthy entrepreneurs and contented people, as well as a considerable amount of personal analysis, to create a simple path to freedom away from just working to live; drawn from an alternative way at looking at society. With a few like minded individuals, we have developed this into an organic formula in line with our core values and beliefs, with the potential to move people towards personal success and financial freedom in a highly rewarding and constructive environment. The Experiment is a testing bed for this program. Only by changing our individual behaviours and expectations as a race, can we develop the world as a unified humanity without barriers; in order to save ourselves from the ultimate demise it will undoubtedly wreak upon itself, through division, political agenda, greed and religious intolerance.

Monday 15 April 2013

Searching For Failure

Sometimes it is bemusing to people, why this particular project retains my attention. I spend a considerable amount of time advising others on how to expand their careers, businesses and income, mainly by opening doors of expectations in peoples minds, however in this regard I'm greedy...talking to one person is great as you can evoke demonstrable change as well as personal and financial gain for a client. But influencing larger groups is more rewarding. Whilst I will conduct talks and seminars on subjects ranging from entrepreneurialism to corporate development and personal success, this project is different simply because I'm trying to actually not just have a group of listeners for a couple of hours, but create a group of doers. This is very different simply because I'm involved in the feed back loop. If no one accepts or takes up the challenge of what I'm suggesting is the ultimate rejection as I can see it in front of me. Either what I'm saying has no interest, or how I'm saying it is at fault. But in my defence there are always a thousands reasons not to do something and one in this case to go forward and try..because if I suggest it is all our social responsibility to try and change the stagnated, limiting behavioural structure we are all born into, then I must put my old head up from the populous and sing the song, otherwise I become a hypocrite, and just another person who sits on the sidelines of life watching others fail because I'm too afraid of the word. Without failure we would not succeed..every step we make is a step on a journey that takes us forward even though many times it seems regressive. Failure is just a way of the universe pushing you in the right direction. So to really use positively what we interpret as failure, we just have to see it as a door we opened, and what we were looking for wasn't in the room. That's not failure, that's trying to search for the right door.. But this takes effort, and the difficulty is finding people with enough energy to make a difference, not only in their own lives but others to. This is ultimately the key to change. Taking the seed of something idealistic and growing it into something real. Enlisting the aid of volunteers who can follow the lead and also copy the process is my goal. What's the point of learning knowledge or skill, and not using it, or passing it on. This is the message I sell, the development of the mind is something everyone should aspire to, but even those who do, never really make a change to the established order. You change what's inside you, but not what's controlling outside. Some try from the fringes, but my focus is all or nothing. At the moment it would be easy to just focus on the nothing as my words seem to fall on deaf ears, and I can only look at my communication skills to see why this is. Maybe I'm not the one to convince, maybe I'm not the one people believe in...but that doesn't take away from the message being right. So now whilst I conduct meetings to find those few volunteers with the courage to try something different ..and that means thinking differently, I'm also looking for communicators who can complemet my own style, involving people, engaging people and most importantly getting people to participate.

Friday 12 April 2013

The Beast Behind

To define what we are up against here, it would be appropriate to take a moment out and discuss the beast in a little more detail. Whilst we live our lives in what seems a fairly similar fashion, there are three fundamental groups in society, and have been since the time of the beginning whenever that was. They are easily recognisable, and live side by side for the most part, but at times there is open conflict. The first of these would be the hierarchal structure akin to chimpanzee society. This is for the most part patriarchal in nature, with a pyramidal structure just like the military or religious movements. They are power lead and power based, with a defined set of them or us behaviours you would expect from a gang mentality in it's simplest form. Submission to those above you is important, just as much as domination of those below. Power is administered from the top down, and as a social group is the one that always comes into play when survival is highest on the agenda, at which point the weakest are expendable for the good of the greater body. The second structure is typical of the gibbon world. The focus is on monogamy, couples building property and wealth together under the certainty and strictly enforced laws of the group. Any transgression outside of 'normal' behaviour is met with rejection and disgust by others. Where as the child in the hierarchal structure is at the bottom of the social order, in the gibbon society the child is protected, almost to a point of holding them back from the world. Finally we came to the bonobo group. A similarity would be the French aristocracy of the 18th century, with open excesses and a highly open level of acceptance of all behaviour. A matriarchal society, where the focus is on acceptance of a wide range of behaviours and sexual orientations. This particular structure takes hold when survival and wealth accumulation no longer matters, the focus is on acceptance and protection. The system is the reverse of the hierarchy where those higher in society such as celebrities are influenced from below by their followers, and the child is at the top of the pecking order. These three matrices of behaviour are easy to stop and pick out in our world, and it is also not so difficult to notice where other people align themselves. It is also a small window into understanding why those within one group might find the behaviour of another abhorrent and seek to destroy. Take the French revolution for example. In today's world, terrorism towards the west is based in part upon the same friction between matrices. The matrices of behaviour sits behind human groups, constantly gaining power and taking over, changing what it's unacceptable at one time or geographical location, to something that is acceptable. Take homosexuality, not long ago illegal, now a stronger part of society as the male looses it role in playing the man, (strength to defend or work is no longer required) and develops more of an understanding of female, in line with the need for acceptance. These are the social structures we are competing with. Each has it's time and it's place, but fundamentally over the years all that happens is the division of humanity between each belief system. By introducing something seen as more constructive than all three, that doesn't compete with all three, but gains weight by those who recognise going round the same old circles for thousands of years is a little pointless, may just be the answer we seek. Apathy is the most prevalent enemy here, and the reluctance to change. This is why we have to make it an easy simple choice to move forward, not a demand, just an obvious door for anyone to walk through regardless of sex, race, nationality or religion...these are all divisions that take us away from the facility to evolve. The experiment starts with this choice, do you think society could do better? And would you like to try to make a difference? The question to the mind is what can little old me do to make a difference? This is the step we all have to take, for it is in that very choice to either step forward or step nowhere, that we make things happen. You see, when 1000 individuals take one small step each in the same direction, that's one huge momentous leap. This is where each of us, whilst on our own seem without power, really matter. A wall is only as strong as the bricks that make it, the chain is as strong as the links. The format of change is irrelevant, it is the choice to take the step that is the key, for through our collective conscious lies all the answers. The choice is to stop absolving responsibility to elected leaders, blaming others for the problems we face, but realising we each and everyone of us has an equal part to play.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Zurich Experiment

Whilst it's been a while since my last post, I'm still very much alive and working. Having moved to Switzerland to live for a while, I've managed to get back into snowboarding during the winter and polish FatMan in the way the novel needed. I've submitted the concept to many agents over the last two months, and just like the overwhelming majority of authors it's been rejection all the letter saying sorry, or I will pass and it's not for me, after another. Sometimes it's difficult to keep the old chin up, especially when you read the biography of authors who say they only sent to two and everybody wanted to give them millions. But the world of publishing has changed over the last ten years, and everybody is looking for a dead cert. Not only that, but Fatman is an acquired taste, and would be attractive to mostly male's with an old fashioned English sense of humour. Too many people these days don't like the idea of someone taking the piss, or actually don't understand the art of doing so, so just like Fatman maybe I'm a bit of a dinosaur. That said, every time I'm a little down and wonder what the point of existence is, one read of a couple of pages of the book will have me in tears and laughing uncontrollably wondering what kind of absolute nutter wrote this sick I'm sure it wasn't me. I do have an agent nibble though, so we will see. As far as the one million project, I've had to do some really deep an analysis and investigation into what I'm up against, before we go again. Refining every aspect of the project from a point of what the inspirations are, knowing that all the troubles of last year were actually lessons to guide the future. Geography and circumstance of those who I approach is relevant, which is why Zurich is our next testing bed with the expats out here. It's a city with a small town feel, developed for banking with a very small entrepreneurial fraternity. Entrepreneurs aren't actually the Market for this alone, and probably not the mentality I'm especially going to connect with, as they are somewhat wrapped up in being an 'entrepreneur' , almost as if it's become a fashionable disease of the last ten years. But like all fashions, the movement of social focus is never ending and this is where I've spent my thinking. You see, it's quite easy at some points to feel the world is against you, that there may be some dark force at work battling away to keep power...and to be honest, you'd be exactly right, there is one...just not in such good and evil terms. More scientific, whatever that means. As I have touched on before, the group mentality studied in football crowds and demonstrations allows people to subconsciously connect and work and one entity, a bit like swifts in flight. Social behaviour fits into three distinct matrices, akin to the social structures of apes. The only difference being, that we as humans have the facility to create and move the pieces on the board, if we want to. But the matrices of behaviour are extremely powerful and move without thought of time or consequence, just power. So the beast is within us all, connecting our behaviour to it's own ends, this is my foe, but also my answer. For if we can tame the beast and use it for our bidding to create an evolved society, then we move forward. The Experiment is the structure we created, to see if we can tame this beast so to speak. Using all the knowledge of the hard fought battles of 2012, whilst I still bear the scars and suffer the effects of my headlong drive to take the first project forward and win to the detriment of my health, l've learnt a considerable amount about my own conditioning, fought my own battles mostly with myself, and now am ready to go again. Just this time, I have experience behind me, and this is the key to success, you have to travel a path, and be prepared to loose a few battles to win the war, for just as with FatMan, you have to meet winning and loosing, and treat both impostors just the same.

Thursday 10 January 2013


On the last day of the year I thought I might bring into perspective the years efforts with a view to setting the scene for the year to come, however my thoughts progressed through the last ten days to manifest themselves into this blog. As you will appreciate from the whole blog this project has not exactly achieved its goal in monetary terms, however in research into the reasons people accept their situation to a point of rejecting alternatives that will certainly improve their other words rejecting success and change in favour of what is ..the project has been very worth while, setting the scene for the coming year to use all the research and apply it once again to get an improved result.  Edison tried over a thousand experiments to get the light bulb to work and every failure was a step towards success. When you start out on an endeavour such as this you just have to keep going until you achieve your goal. So this year is a new year to not quite do the same thing but still retain the same goal. A definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.  So this time I will be looking to take the negative traits of human behaviour that stalled the project last year and turn them surreptitiously towards success. There are no guarantees here, just a little bit more long in the tooth and aware how potentially destructive taking on the negativity that pervades in modern society can be. I still suffer the effects of the stress related illness I suffered in May last year..with paralysis, vision impairment and headaches that now have long since taken a break from the road to improvement. This was a shot across the bows..for the energy we transmit to each other is very know after talking to someone who drains you how you feel sucked dry ..well times that by a considerable number and you will have the energy vampires I opened myself up to. This is something I cannot afford to do again as it is chasm that will undoubtedly be one that is infinate in it's depths and quite capable of chewing me up and swallowing me whole. The three primary psychological experiments of Milgram, Stanton & New Wave  showed how order, authority and environment determines human behaviour, and  ultimately were the stumbling block in this project.  From day one we are conditioned to live a structured life of expectation and circumstance;  it is our approach to this as individuals that determines our level of success and wealth over the universal average. What makes one person more successful than another is simply their approach to the  basic concept of social freedom..most people reject freedom in favour of order even when the form of order is detrimental to themselves and their follow man. The majority respond to authority with conformity seemingly without question, rejecting threats to the entrenched structure as well as those who profit by it to the detriment of their own welfare and their fellow man. This is the Milgram effect working in our daily lives not just in extreme war situations. We will die if a man in a white coat tells us we are going to. Doctors have this power, for if a doctor tells you you have three months to live you will adopt a mindset and physiology that sets the wheels of your demise in motion. My grandfather was diagnosed with a huge tumour in his lungs and given a month to one told him about the month and he lived another fifteen years well into his eighties. When my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given two months to live I asked the doctors not to tell him. But unfortunately they couldn't resist explaining to him that he had no hope and indeed he died in two months to the day. I have experienced this phenomena time and again mostly with a detructive if not ultimately deadly effect; for the more you are fed negative words the more your thoughts will be dominated by a depressive nature.   Early on the method was indeed devised to make the million, and therefor provide an alternative to the conventional lifestyle millstone we are born to suffer, but what remained an issue was the packaging that would make the general  population accept the strategy easily, rather than rejecting the potential of making shed loads of money without too much effort through only retaining a positive attitude and a willing mind to at least try.  So the latter part of the year has been devoted to waiting for a method of delivery to present itself as my own efforts to influence this were met with success and rejection in equal measure. Packaging is the key to selling any idea or product...get the packaging right and success is like shelling pees's very very simple. In fact it doesn't actually matter what's in the packaging it's what people think it will do for them that counts. This is a decision equation based around risk... the benefits outweigh the risks and the gains outweigh the losses. Depending on the label on your packaging and how it's presented it motivates the prospect to take the necessary action. So in this project the packaging has to be the most important key..for people will frankly buy any old rubbish for a variety of reasons if it's presented correctly... not least the key to success wealth and happiness. Reasons: Everyone else is doing it It's a bargain To make them feel better Because they are told to by a higher power. It will save their lives. This year we start the project afresh with all the new enthusiasm and expectations my New Years resolutions can bring but with the advantage of last year's experience under my belt. Treating the project as an experiment rather than a mission is ultimately going to relieve the pressure and also provide the opportunity to explore some really rather interesting angles.  To start with the structure remains the same; three levels to learn of influence, motivation and leadership all employed in helping your fellow man. The rules  remain the same, in that anyone should be able to do this regardless of background, education or finances, as well as only starting with £100. So I took a basic freelance sales job anyone could do last week and in a little over seven days have earned £1600 in cash as a start. Sales comes under the rules as you need no formal qualifications or training to do it, but undoubtedly with some experience and professional training you will be able to manifest more money at will.  Now, I can take a little of that money and try some advertising in a London paper: To start with I'm looking for volunteers as part of a social experiment which was the basic foundation of this whole enterprise from the start and will give me the research material I need. The potential for wealth generation is there as it always was simply because success is ultimately linked to reward of either the emotional or the  cash kind which in this project means both. My aim is for people to sell enthusiasm and the product of positive thinking ..namely success order to generate the cash for themselves. If your helping people and getting paid for it with a view to learning more and progressing, what better route for a career. So there's the ad for volunteers.

Tuesday 11 December 2012


I havent posted for a while simply because I've been looking for a key. Not just any key but ultimately the one that will unlock this project and send it racing towards it's goal. When I talk to people about making a million in 21 weeks they always ask the same old predictable question ...'how much have I made and has anyone done it so far?' It's a good question but completely pointless as it's not how much I've made that is important it is the mechanism to make it that's crucial.  The key I'm looking for is the one that unlocks the latent power in those I talk to, so they can be the basis for the projects success; it's circumventing the negative conditioning that is the objective, and this as a key is ultimately the most significant challenge as no one has ever done it before. Well that's not exactly true..Jesus did it, Hitler did it, and quite a few others inspired the masses to go beyond their daily jails to achieve greater things by believing in greater things. Now I know I'm no great leader, but what I am a little more gifted at is a bit of creative thought and dogged determination.  One essential point that people with their selective thinking tend to look over is the basic premise that there can be no ownership of this is for those who participate on an equal footing  .. The project is structured to own itself and in this way possess the inherent strength that change needs... There is no one at the top or the bottom .. Just people helping each other to develop skills and knowledge but also getting paid for their insight and help. An alternative way if making a living you might say. Now I've looked at every system of government and change over the years, revolution, evolution, communism, socialism, capitalism and any other ism you can think of, and as you know they all have one big ism... They are designed to fail. Why? It's simple.. they just don't  work in a perfect way because this is not a perfect world as humanity doesn't really hit perfection on the lets help each other front does it. Naturally it's a race of help themselves and that's why people are keen to get one up on the neighbour, the workmates, the friend , the lover.. the list is  endless. That said some people are looking for a a way forward to enlightenment through religion all the way to aliens from far away places like the Isle of Wight.  But here's the problem ...looking out-side for an answer that's written in stone, a certainty of right, a path to the promised land is a waste of time; as to be a  true believer in something more you need something called faith.. and faith by its very nature is a belief in something that is not proven can't see it, touch  it or smell it...but you can feel it in your heart. It's a feeling,  an emotion, a desire, it's where your heart tells you something that overrides the conditioning of your mind..intuition if your like ..that's  faith.  So when someone asks me how much I've made, the question is somewhat irrelevant..they are looking for proof before they participate, but that's where the failure of humanity lies.. the catch twenty can you have faith and only look for something that's proven before your very eyes? And then you're  penalised because everyone wants the certainty and will pay through the nose and cheat each other for a given. People want to own givens, they want to sell them and make money for their own sake.  So there's the can only evolve though faith..not blind stupid faith in anything but faith in your right to be something more and take your seat in a humanity that is something more. But people like to see others go first so they can save themselves from loosing face or losing money, but they loose the ultimate prize because they wait too long. I've mentioned before the Arab phrase against my brother, my brother and I against my family, my family against  my neighbour, my family and my neighbour against my countryman, my countrymen against the world. It's true of each of us ...we see our ties entrenched in our family ...our children rather than in our fellow man, until the kids grow up their have their own veiws and desires to break free of the maternal ties and find their own way... Whatever happens the closeness of humans ecpxistance with your fellow man is in relationships a fragment of time and meaning.  I'm not saying your shouldn't love your family over everyone else, blood and marriage are strong ties until a divorce, but this is just proximity based caring, and also caring based on need and fellowship within the family. But one family you will always be part of is humanity, and if you are wondering where God fits into this equation I believe we are all God..or the fragmented DNA of a single source, this makes us as a combined entity the one being  who seems to have bugged off and left us all to fend for ourselves like squabbling  children of a parent. If, and it is a big if, we a can put the differences aside ..the feminist that fights for her place in a mans world, the choveneist that takes power from the subjugation of women, the racist black who feels oppressed, the racist white who feels threatened, the conflict of religion and politics for their own sake, the stupidity and ignorance of the self over the greater being we are all equal parts of, if we can do this and unite for one lone solitary moment in time, them I believe we will evolve, and until that moment we will reamin in this spiral of stupidity that pushes us down to being no more than the fractionalised race  we remain to this day.  Arn't you kind of bored with that prognosis ? Don't you want to do something about it, don't you owe it to yourself to take that seat of power you have so long since rejected out of fear, resentment and pain for the past..what has happened to you in the past..rather than concentrating on what will happen to us if you make it happen. In a conversation the other day with a very pleasant fellow, he told me a story of a time he connected with others during a seminar on alpha waves. It was a glimpse into what could be. How much time had he invested into that revaelation since was the question.. He believed in the law of attraction, he believed coincidence was something more, but the application of this knowledge was purely to help his child to not suffer the ills he did and make his life his own. The power of the infinite is there within us all but even when it is revealed to us we only make fractional use for our own wants and make our own lives better.. How about a shot at everyone at the same time, how about opening pandoras box and helping everyone to the promised land ...whatever that is.  I have a feeling we will all get to know if we all start to concentrate on what is important rather than the thousand and one distractions of the day. My thoughts are towards an alternative way of life, a different system of government.. Why do we need government in the first place if we were all on the same path to enlightenment why need the rules and the regulations, why need the structure of need and greed, just to protect the established order to deny the birth right of the human race through stupidity and ignorance. Each conversation I have I look for the key, the key to open people's minds to their true potential, but so far my quest has been met till recently with simply more questions than answers. I've tried to wrapp the pill of success in many ways to see if there was the key hidden within a key that would apply and unlock the door for all people and not just the one. I tried the idea of a film, I tried the idea of a game, an entrepreneurial club as well as a coaching group and a money making program but the one thing they all had in common was their ability to appeal to only the few, never the many I've been looking for.  So over the last few months rather than write a daily account of my quest I decided to wait for the answer to present itself to me rather than keep forcing the issues, a controlling trait I've always been guilty of. But on my travels out of nothing in the middle east I was brought back to the beginning of this year, the first seminar that I held to see if people  would follow an idea...and ultimately they did. I've learnt a lot over the months of this year, it's been a journey into myself just as much as into the unknown which in truth is every day of my life. Over this year I've almost managed to focus on one goal, but true to my nature that has been like combing my hair the wrong way, having FatMan on one hand and this project on the other as well as a few things in between. We are what we are, conditioned from birth and forged in the  oven of fallen dreams. Non the less the quest goes on just as it always has in our lives however much we hide from it. A few weeks ago I saw a film called the experiment, based on The Stanton experiment. A group of men confined into guards and prisoners for the purpose of an experiment. The results were that our thoughts and actions are primarily directed for the majority  by environment and leadership. It's somehow sad to know that's  how people followed Hitler or any leader for good or  bad objectives. The herd mentality is ultimately the direction we all follow in a structuerd life of beginning, marriage , kids and career, the same as it's been for thousands of years like a never ending circle. But the truth is the are no rules to this life, we all have the choice to make it the way we want, to start over if it all goes wrong, to make and remake our lives as our own. This is the freedom of unity, not the unity of regimes and political movements we can all fall foul of.  How we as humans can be controlled by circumstance, rules and leadership are well documented and of course tested. People wonder at how a man like Hitler was able to turn so many people towards a regime of evil, yet you only have to look at experiments like the Milligram experiment and the Third Wave to gain a startling reminder of what we are capable of. I'd like to think we can use that exact same solidarity for good rather than evil purposes, not  for power over the masses but for the power of the masses. For this to be effective it would require the conscious realisation by the participants that the sole purpose of the exercise would be to help others, to dispel ignorance, doubt mistrust and fear, to be replaced by faith in the individual as an integral and equal part of the greater good. To know that within us all is the key to evolution of the human spirit, and its about time that happened...a its been a long time coming. So taking the experiment aspect of what I originally proposed before I was a little taken aback with the venom towards my ideas early in the year...people rejected my ideas out of their own mental projections  of what my motives were. The way society continues is to maintain this fear and distrust through the media as well as subliminal erosion of what is acceptable through TV programs. It all comes back to maintaining the me against everybody saying. United we stand, divided we fall...and right now we are divided, conquered and subjugated as a race. I'm now looking or participants in an experiment whereby should they be successful in their endeavours they will ultimately be rewarded not only with a financial gain but also a very rewarding personal experience towards the evelouion of the spirit which ultimately was the core purpose of the project from the beginning.  

Saturday 17 November 2012


Over the last ten months I've learnt a considerable amount about myself; my limitations, my beliefs, my hopes and even hidden desires. Life is about forgetting; the brain naturally files information away into needed stuff and background noise. But as time passes we forget the simple important rules to happiness ...the sun on your face and the crisp taste of morning air to start with. The hope of youth is the single most invigorating thought for me, and every day I now manifest that expectation into my life for as I've become older just like my body needing supplements to maintain a healthy lifestyle and  replacing bits that are no longer being churned out by my body, my mind requires a little more reminding than it used to.   The mental plane reflects the physical so more and more you need to get back to the purity of thought, the excitement that was once a natural occurrence. Looking for a new challenge is what keeps us alive, motivated and sane, completing a challenge keeps us on a path of meaning and purpose that without cause life would ultimately be a robotic existence.  Talking with a very successful entrepreneur the other day it was invigorating to be brought back to the kind of conversation I lack in daily life currently. The majority of people cannot join the dots, but for those few who can see angles it's a world of opportunity that knows no bounds. I'm firmly of the belief we manifest into our lives what we desire and create in our own environments, but you will also realise I have no doubt what we do and how we think evolves for a distinct purpose.. A higher purpose. For some of us we are born to focus on the dimension of creation in the here and now,  for others the higher purpose ..destiny guides our hands and events more than we will ever know in this life.  The subject of luck came to mind in the conversation, people just being lucky for it's own merit..but the mental approach of the individual determines how lucky a person is. Remember a few months ago when I placed high quality synthetic diamonds on the floor to watch how many people saw them, remember the fifty pound note that I saw on the pavement outside Tesco's that people were stepping over..but I didn't. But also needing to focus on your needs at the time..the money being returned to me after fifteen years last month.  Now my need is for an investor, a partner who will bring value not so much in the form of cash or wealth but value to the project. Someone who has ethics, and would like to maybe help their fellow man and woman towards a brighter future. That's what I'm looking for ....but the trick is to let that person come to me, not to force the issue but let the universe provide. It may take a day or a month but the stepping stone is essential... so that is where my focus is as well as the one million. Days are ticking by on the year since I started  this project, but in truth time is subjective to who is counting and why it's important to anyone, there's still a way to go but you never really know what life has in store round the next corner. What I do understand more than ever is a continuity of thinking is required, to adopt a focused pattern of thought..listen to the messages that come from friends acquaintances  and even the TV, these will give you the guidance to find your goal, it's just opening your ears and seeing with the right eyes that matters most.